He Aha Rawa Rā Tō Taera
He Aha Rawa Rā Tō Taera
Kia ora rā, e Kare! Haere mai tātou kia ako tahi, pānui tahi, waiata tahi me Hinekorikori.
"He aha rawa rā, tō taera" is filled with catchy rhymes and riddles that will invite tamariki to be curious and playful. Join Hinekorikori in this second installment, as she discovers strange new animals and insects in her backyard. This enchanting book is written entirely in Māori, where tamariki and adults can quickly grasp the Māori language with a handy glossary. Get ready for a fun-filled adventure through the wonderous world of animals and insects as seen through Hinekorikori's eyes, that will leave tamariki singing and smiling.
Ages: 5 - 8
Language: Māori
Author: Raukura Roa
Illustrator: Tim Peterson
ISBN: 978-0-473-55426-2
Packaging (per order) - $13.80
North Island overnight service -$6.90
South Island two-day service - $11.35